Call for Abstracts
Future Ready Roads
Submission of abstracts for the 2025 AfPA International Conference is now open.
The 20th AfPA International Conference will serve as a platform for industry leaders, policymakers, innovators, and stakeholders to discuss sustainable practices, the circular economy, low-carbon policies, and global best practices in flexible pavement design and construction.
"Future Ready Roads” underscores the critical need to proactively ensure that the pavements of today can withstand future challenges, through advanced materials, innovative design, and strategic construction and maintenance. Abstracts can be submitted under one or more of the following topics.

Key topics include:
Theme 1
Towards Zero Carbon and Circular Economy
Abstracts must highlight the pivotal role of the industry in guiding Australia towards internationally recognised, low-carbon road policies and practices, positioning the nation as a global leader in sustainable flexible pavement solutions.
Government’s blueprint for Achieving Net Zero
Global Best Practices and Low Carbon Policy
Procurement mechanisms to drive the uptake of low carbon pavements

Key topics include:
Theme 2:
Innovative Pavement Materials Selection, Design and Construction
Abstracts must showcase breakthroughs in innovative materials, design, and construction technologies that reduce carbon footprints and increase pavement durability.
Optimising pavement design and material selection that showcase advancing sustainability and circular economy practices
Stabilised pavements
Product and equipment innovations with accompanying case studies
Airport and port pavements
Perpetual pavements – with reference to low carbon roads

Key topics include:
Theme 3:
Resilient Roads for a Sustainable Future
Abstracts must demonstrate the crucial role of establishing and maintaining sustainable road systems that are resilient to climate impacts and minimise life-cycle costs through the implementation of durable and future-proof materials and design.
Practical solutions for local roads
Economic and technical solutions for resilient roads (FBS, EME2 etc)
Asset management best practices and the importance of regular maintenance regimes
Technical solutions to reduce embedded carbon
Use of digital technology and AI to deliver future-proof pavement outcomes
Abstract Criteria
Abstracts shall be no more than 350 words.
Please submit in word format, a template can be found here
All abstracts will be reviewed by the conference technical committee and successful submissions will be invited to submit a technical paper or extended abstract under one of the following categories.
Technical paper and lecture presentation,
Technical paper and poster, or
Extended abstract and side stage presentation.
Lecture presentations will be presented in our technical sessions. Presentations will be 15 minutes long followed with an immediate 5 minute question time per presentation.*
Posters will be exhibited in our exhibition hall. Poster authors will be required to be available for an allocated roaming Q&A session.*
The extended abstract and side stage presentations are primarily aimed at product and equipment suppliers. Side stage presentations will be held separate to the technical sessions on our dedicated education lab stage in the exhibition hall.
Papers will be published in the conference proceedings and all abstracts and extended abstracts will be published in the (digital) conference abstracts booklet.
*Changes may be made subject to program